Being principled and reflective are important values at ISA Wuhan International School and are inherent within the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile. Academic honesty is an embodiment of these qualities and is expected from all members of the school community. The purpose of this policy is to define the expectations of academic honesty, outline responsibilities and measures to uphold academic honesty and provide a pathway of action if suspected malpractice is found. The policy is guided by the philosophy of the IB.
“IB students are expected to be PRINCIPLED – to act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. IB students take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences”.
At ISA we believe that honesty is a virtue and that all members have an obligation to treat the work and ideas of others with integrity. Towards this end, ISA commits itself to educating its community on what academic honesty is, how to be academically honest and how to take responsibility for the representation of their own, and others’, ideas. This policy is to be understood, implemented, and practiced by ISA school leaders, curriculum coordinators, teachers, students, and parents.
The spirit of this policy is wholly aligned with ISA’s commitment to positive relationships. As such, teachers should use their discretion when implementing this policy and reserve its use for significant infringements. Minor instances should be regarded as 'teachable moments' and teachers should feel free to exercise their professional judgment in dealing with minor and/or unintentional instances of academic honesty infringements.
ISA is committed to academic honesty and will continually strive to ensure that students, their families, and staff understand what responsibilities this commitment embraces. The purpose of this policy is to outline what academic honesty means and the procedural responses to instances of academic dishonesty.
Implementation of this policy expresses responsibility for the teaching and preparation of work that is submitted for assessment, both internally for in-school assessment tasks and externally for all work submitted to the IB for assessment. This includes administration of examinations.
The expectations of academic integrity (honesty) are clearly communicated and modelled at age-appropriate levels by school leaders and teachers so that all students understand what is expected of them when completing academic work submitted for assessment.
Academic honesty refers to a set of values and skills which promote correct conduct in relation to examinations, give full acknowledgement of the original authorship of creative materials, lead to the production of authentic pieces of work and protect all forms of intellectual property.
Academic dishonesty is defined as behaviour, whether deliberate or inadvertent, that results in or may result in the student or any other student gaining an unfair advantage in their work. The IB defines malpractice within four broad categories.
In addition to these, any other practice considered to lead to an unfair advantage for a student may be considered as academic dishonesty.
Students are expected to produce original work and properly acknowledge sources to avoid plagiarism, which respects the intellectual property rights of others. By upholding academic honesty, students demonstrate a commitment to authentic authorship, ensuring that their contributions are genuine and properly attributed.
Students should recognize that they are ultimately responsible for their own work and that the consequences of any breaches of the standard of academic honesty will be theirs alone. They should speak to teachers regularly about their work and show drafts of it at various stages in the production process.
They should ask teachers for advice if they are at any time unsure of what they have done in relation to referencing sources.
Students must acknowledge any materials or ideas that come from other people, and which have been used. The term ‘materials can mean written, oral or electronic products including: text, visual, artistic, letters, lectures, broadcasts, audio, interviews, maps, graphic and conversations. Basic and common knowledge within a subject does not need to be acknowledged. When students cite, they must make clear what they are citing to clearly distinguish between the words/work of their own and the words/work of others.
ISA Wuhan adheres to the MLA referencing style across all subject areas, courses, and grade levels. For examples of correct citation please refer to ISAWHIS MLA guide.
Creators are expected to acknowledge any source materials or ideas which are not their own and have been used in any way such as a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Written or electronic source materials may include:
For most assessments students are expected to work independently, however there are occasions when collaboration with other students is permitted or encouraged. Final work produced by students must be produced independently despite the fact that it may be based on similar data as other students in the group. Unacceptable collusion would be considered to take place if students submitted the same written work based upon collaborative tasks, for example if the introduction, content, or conclusion were the same as another student.
If a student is suspected of academic dishonesty the teacher will investigate and determine the authenticity of work. If in doubt, the case will be referred to the relevant Curriculum Coordinator. Internal sanctions may be imposed by the school for malpractice. These will include:
ISAWHIS In line with IBO recommendations and practice, runs random or selected pieces of work in the plagiarism software Turnitin for verification and evaluation of sources (if the work is not uploaded to ManageBac).
If a teacher, or another member of staff, suspects that a student may have breached the school’s standards of academic honesty, he or she will inform the IB coordinator. Together they will investigate the matter and will inform the student of the concerns of the teacher, giving the student the chance to reply to the accusations. If it cannot be shown that there is work which is clearly inappropriate the student will be found not guilty of dishonesty and no record will be kept of the matter. If, on the other hand, it can be shown that inappropriate work has been submitted, the Coordinator will make a recommendation to the Principal/Dean as to whether or not the case is one of academic dishonesty, or of an academic infringement Every teacher has access to the turnitin and generates timely reports to ascertain the percentage of plagiarism if any and also the content which is acknowledged through footnotes, citations and bibliography.
Note: Please refer to the supplementary resource from the IBO, entitled ‘Academic Integrity’.
MYP coordinator:
If the assessment is internal the level of achievement will not be awarded for that piece of work. An alternative assessment may be awarded depending on the situation.
For external assessment – Personal Project. It is expected that the personal project mentor is regularly monitoring the students work to avoid any form of malpractice.
ISAWHIS is in line with IBO recommendations and practice.
"The IB will not ban the use of AI software. The simplest reason is that it is the wrong way to deal with innovation. Over the next few years, the use of this kind of software will become as routine as calculators and translation programs". (Academic integrity policy, p53)
"AI tools do not threaten the underlying principles of what the IB values". ( Academic integrity policy, p53)
"It is not realistic to prevent the use of these tools as they will rapidly become commonplace, but the IB believes that schools should explain ethical behaviour when using these tools, and why they often are not the most useful piece of software." (Academic Integrity policy, p54)
Therefore, ISAWHIS will not prevent the use of Al software. Transparency is the key, and we expect students to give full credit to any source/material that they have used when writing and creating their own work.
In any type of work where an external source has been used, a citation must be included at the point of use. The inclusion of a reference at the end of the paper is not enough.
The citation in a text should link to a full reference in the bibliography. Students should be clear that if they use the text (or any other product) produced by an AI tool- by copying or paraphrasing that text or modifying an image they must clearly reference it in the body of their work and add the reference in the bibliography.
The in-text citation should contain quotation marks using the referencing style already in use by the school, for example: "the development of the tools and variables required for........" (text taken/paraphrased from ChatGPT, 2023). The reference in the bibliography should also contain the prompt given to the AI tool and the date it generated the text, for example: OpenAI. (23 February 2023).
ChatGPT response to example prompt about example topic (Academic Integrity policy. Key points to explain the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, IB 2023)
This policy will be reviewed again In May 2024 and every May of each academic year, if needed, after the recommendation of the IB coordinators.