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Campus News

ISA Wuhan Campus Cultural and Creative Products are newly launched

ISA Wuhan Campus Cultural and Creative Products are newly launched. Drawing on the ingenious ideas of ISA students' works, they bring the hot

International Summit for Cultivating Innovators

What kind of talent will the future society need? In the face of unprecedented changes, what kind of training will be more suitable for the

Transdisciplinary project presentation——A Ticket To Mars

Research education is an important part of an international school's efforts to cultivate young people's future qualities, and a rich

ISA Wuhan 2023 AMC US Maths Competition had a great debut!

腊月将至,重磅喜报来袭!武汉爱莎高中学子首次参加美国数学邀请赛(AMC)成绩斐然,Annie Du同学和Crois An同学获得“全球卓越奖”!同时还有11名学子获“全球优秀奖”;23名学子晋级“美国数学邀请赛AIME”!

Event Review 爱莎日 | 那一天,我们勇踏未来之境

On December 2nd, the "ISA Festival," the annual community celebration at the ISA Wuhan Education Campus, took place as winter came to a close, culminating in a resounding success. Over 30 countries,
